The Ali Demasoni fish, also known as the Demasoni cichlid, is said to originate from Lake Malawi, East Africa. Not only is it a vibrant creature that brings life to any aquarium, the Ali Demasoni fish is also a symbol of resilience and natural beauty.
Characteristics of the Ali Demasoni fish
- Origin: Lake Malawi, East Africa
- Impressive Color: With alternating blue and black stripes, the Ali Demasoni fish creates a special visual effect, highlighting the underwater living space.
- Easy to Care for: Suitable for all aquarium lovers, from beginners to experts, thanks to its semi-active personality and high adaptability.
- Size: 3 – 4 cm.
- Shape: pointed head, triangular tail
- Personality: This is a fighting fish, so avoid keeping it with smaller fish or shy fish.
With Ali Demasoni, you will:
- Create a special highlight for your aquarium with its natural and wild beauty.
- Observe the interesting and unique behavior of this fish in an optimally designed habitat.
- Have the opportunity to raise a rare fish.
How to raise and care for Ali Demasoni Fish?
- Ideal Aquarium: enough for the fish to swim comfortably, with many caves and nooks.
- Diet: Plant-rich food with meat, pellets mixed with algae, bloodworms, frozen worms. Feed twice a day, do not overfeed because excess will pollute the tank.
- Water conditions: pH 7.8 – 8.6.
- Suitable temperature: 24 – 26 degrees Celsius
- Change water: 1 time a week to ensure clean water and prevent fish from getting sick. Change 30 – 50% of the water each time, do not change all of it because the fish will be shocked.
- You should choose more female fish in a tank because more male fish than female will cause conflict between males
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